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Image in span tag into an img tag

I try to display an image with <img src="" alt="music cover"> using <span></span> to display the music covers of my web radio.

The link is dynamic, it’s why I want to use the span tag for getting the url link of the image’s shown during music playback.

I’ve tried this, but it doesn’t work:

  <p class="current-playlist">

Here is my code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
<center><p class="current-playlist"><img src="<span></span"></p></center>
     <script src=""></script>
         var nowPlayingTimeout;
var nowPlaying;

function loadNowPlaying() {
        cache: false,
        dataType: "json",
        url: '',
        success: function(np) {
            // Do something with the Now Playing data.
            nowPlaying = np;
              $('.current-playlist span').text(;

            nowPlayingTimeout = setTimeout(loadNowPlaying, 15000);
    }).fail(function() {
        nowPlayingTimeout = setTimeout(loadNowPlaying, 30000);

$(function() {

Without the img tag, only the image link is shown, how could I proceed?



<img src="<span></span"> is not a valid HTML, you can not put another element into src tag, you should only set image link to src instead.

To do that, you can crate an <img src=""> element with an empty src attribute.

Then, when you need to load the image you can put the image link into src attribute.


const imageLink = "";

// setTimout to simulate ajax request
setTimeout(() => {
  $(".current-playlist img").attr("src", imageLink);
  // OR document.querySelector('.current-playlist img').src = imageLink;
}, 1000);
<script src=""></script>

<p class="current-playlist">
  <img src="">
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