I just want to store the data I collected in the database but I getting “connection.query is not a function”
I’ve checked a lot of options to solve the issue and I can not find anything that works. In some of the ways the variables I collected were null and in the other part the connection.query was not a function
Please How to make it work?
Thanks a lot❤️
const mysql = require("mysql2/promise") const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-extra'); const StealthPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth') puppeteer.use(StealthPlugin()) const AdblockerPlugin = require('puppeteer-extra-plugin-adblocker') puppeteer.use(AdblockerPlugin({ blockTrackers: true })) const UserAgent = require('user-agents'); (async () => { for (let step = 0; step <= 5; step++) { const userAgent = new UserAgent({ deviceCategory: "desktop" }); const cleanUA = userAgent.toString(); const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, defaultViewport: {width: 1920, height: 1080}, args: ['--disable-infobars', '--user-agent=' + cleanUA] }); const page = await browser.newPage(); console.log("going to the url"); const url = 'https://example/test?page=' + (step+1); await page.goto(url); await page.waitForSelector("..."); //clicking on all segments await page.$$eval(... => ..(.... => .. .click())); for (let i = 0; i <= 35; i++){ const title = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (...)).innerText },i); console.log(title) const subtitle = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).innerText },i); console.log(subtitle) const item_price = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).innerText },i); console.log(item_price) const ros_info = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).innerText },i); console.log(ros_info) const img = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).src },i); console.log(img) const p = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).innerText },i); console.log(p) const info_items = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).innerText },i); console.log(info_items) const link = await page.evaluate((i) => { return (document.querySelector(...)).href },i); console.log(link) const theopeninfo2 = await page.evaluate((i) => { return Array.from(...)).map( x=> x.innerText).join("n") },i); console.log(theopeninfo2)
The interesting part
const connection = mysql.createConnection({ host: "localhost", port: 3306, user: "...", password: "...", database: "..." }); connection.query( "INSERT INTO `b_info`(`title`, `subtitle`, `item_price`, `ros_info`, `img`, `p`, `info_items`, `link`, `theopeninfo2`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [title , subtitle , item_price , ros_info , img , p , info_items , link , theopeninfo2 ], function(err, results) { console.log(results);}) } await browser.close(); } })();
I found a solution
connect() async function connect() { try { const con = await mysql.createConnection({ "host": , "port": , "user": , "password" : , "database" : }) const insertsql = await con.query( "INSERT INTO `b_info`(`title`, `subtitle`, `item_price`, `ros_info`, `img`, `p`, `info_items`, `link`, `theopeninfo2`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", [title , subtitle , item_price , ros_info , img , p , info_items , link , theopeninfo2 ] ) console.table(insertsql[0]) } catch(ex) { console.error(ex) }