It keeps using the front facing camera instead of the back camera This is my code: I added the facingMode: {exact:”environment”}, but it doesn’t work
const constraints = { video: true, facingMode: { exact: 'environment' } }; if ('mediaDevices' in navigator && 'getUserMedia' in navigator.mediaDevices) { console.log("Let's get this party started") } navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints). then((stream) => {video.srcObject = stream}); function displayImage() { const selectedFile = document.getElementById('fileinput') //var image =document.getElementById('output') //image.src = URL.createObjectURL(selectedFile.files[0]); //selectedFile.files[0] const img = new Image() img.src = URL.createObjectURL(selectedFile.files[0]) canvas.width = video.videoWidth canvas.height = video.videoHeight"none" ="inline" console.log(img) console.log("image uploaded") img.onload = function() { canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(img, 0, 0,video.videoWidth,video.videoHeight); console.log('the image is drawn'); } }
Your constraints are not set correctly.
is a member of the video
constraint, so it should be
const constraints = { video: { facingMode: { exact: "environment" } } };
Live Fiddle to be ran from a device with a back camera.