I have a vue form inside a dialog. Where the user can select a date and multplie starting times and ending times. So far I can save one object consisting of one date and multiple times. But when I want to add another object it takes the new date but changes the time values for every object.
for example if I add first an object with 05.09.2021 start:15:00 end: 16:00 and then add another object with date: 06.09.2021 start: 16:00 end: 17:00. The start and end is changed to the latest value of all objects, but I want each of them to be individually. I tried submitting a form, but sadly I could not make it work because it is reloading the page which I do not want, if i use .prevent on submit my error with time changing for every object still consists. Could someone take a look at my code and point me my mistake out`?
<v-row> <v-col cols="12" sm="12"> <v-menu ref="menu3" v-model="menu3" :close-on-content-click="false" :return-value.sync="dates" transition="scale-transition" offset-y min-width="auto" > <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }" > <v-text-field v-model="dates" label="Picker in menu" prepend-icon="mdi-calendar" readonly v-bind="attrs" v-on="on" ></v-text-field> </template> <v-date-picker v-model="dates" no-title scrollable > <v-spacer/> <v-btn text color="primary" @click="menu3 = false" > Cancel </v-btn> <v-btn text color="primary" @click="$refs.menu3.save(dates) " v-on:click=" menu3 = false" > OK </v-btn> </v-date-picker> </v-menu> <v-btn v-on:click="addTimeFields()">Add Time</v-btn> </v-col> </v-row> <v-row v-for="(find, index) in selectedTime" > <v-col cols="6" sm="6"> <v-text-field v-model="find.startTime" label="Starttime" type="time" ></v-text-field> </v-col> <v-col cols="6" sm="6"> <v-text-field v-model="find.endTime" label="Untiltime" type="time"></v-text-field> </v-col> </v-row> </form>
<script> import MeetingsTableComponent from "@/components/MeetingsTableComponent"; import DatePickerComponent from "@/components/DatePickerComponent"; export default { name: "NextMeetingCardComponent", data: () => ({ selectedTime: [], dates: new Date().toISOString().substr(0,10), datesFinal: [], dialog: false, menu: false, modal: false, menu2: false, menu3: false }), methods:{ addTimeFields(){ this.selectedTime.push({ startTime:"", endTime: "", }) }, saveDateAndTIme(e){ this.datesFinal.push({ date: this.dates, times : [this.selectedTime] } ) this.$refs.form.submit() }, clearArrays(){ while (this.selectedTime.length){ this.selectedTime.pop() } } } }; </script>
I tried clearing the selectedTimes array which is pushed to datesFinal after pushing it but then every value is deleted.
I think there’s an error in saveDateAndTIme()
: times
contains a nested array of the this.selectedTime
array, but that should be unnested (i.e., set times
to this.selectedTime
After pushing this.selectedTime
into datesFinal
, you could clear the form by setting this.selectedTime
to an empty array.
export default { methods: { saveDateAndTIme(e) { this.datesFinal.push({ date: this.dates, times: this.selectedTime, 👈 }) this.selectedTime = [] 👈 }, } }