I am trying to add styling to my AG grid but so far I have not been successful. The only way that has worked is setting some css variables given by the library but that is quite limited.
I tried extending the existing classes but I always get Unused css selector
warning and I haven’t been able to find a solution after reading the documentation.
This is my code:
<script lang="ts"> import { onDestroy, onMount } from 'svelte'; import { Grid } from 'ag-grid-community'; import 'ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-grid.css'; import 'ag-grid-community/dist/styles/ag-theme-alpine.css'; let domNode: HTMLDivElement; let grid: Grid; // specify the columns const columnDefs = [{ field: 'make' }, { field: 'model' }, { field: 'price' }]; // specify the data const rowData = [ { make: 'Toyota', model: 'Celica', price: 35000 }, { make: 'Ford', model: 'Mondeo', price: 32000 }, { make: 'Porsche', model: 'Boxter', price: 72000 } ]; // let the grid know which columns and what data to use const gridOptions = { defaultColDef: { flex: 1, minWidth: 150, filter: true, resizable: true, sortable: true, }, columnDefs: columnDefs, rowData: rowData }; onMount(() => { grid = new Grid(domNode, gridOptions); }); onDestroy(() => { if (grid) { grid.destroy(); } }); </script> <div style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center;"> <div id="datagrid" bind:this={domNode} class="ag-theme-alpine" style="height: 70vh; width: 100%;" /> </div> <style lang="scss"> .ag-theme-alpine { --ag-header-background-color: rgb(223, 66, 101); --ag-header-foreground-color: #fff; } </style>
Does anyone have an idea of how to do this?
If you want to change a variable, set it on the container element
#datagrid { --ag-header-foreground-color: blue; }
If you want to change a class, add the :global()
modifier to the declaration inside the component
:global(.ag-header-cell) { background: orange; font-size: 16px; }
or set up a stylesheet and import it after the other on top
import './ownAgGridStyles.css';
>> REPL (if there’s an error ‘agGrid is not defined’ move the svelte:head
element one line down)