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How to separete chart series into different pane (Chart.js)

I’m working on ASP.NET project (.NET Framework 4.0) and using Chart.js (version 3.5.0) to create chart from data. In this chart, the x axis is month of the year and y axis is for the data value. Because there are 2 series with different unit of value so I want the series to be in different pane as shown in picture below:

enter image description here

In the picture, both series share the same x axis but placed in different pane (each pane also has different y axis).

From what I have tried, I could make the chart to have multiple y-axis in the different side like this:

enter image description here

But as per requirement, the graph should not overlapping each other and be like in the first picture so I wonder if it is possible to separate it into different pane.

Here is my code

var chart;

function DrawChart() {
  if (chart) chart.destroy();
  var labels = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'];
  var data = {
    datasets: [{
        label: 'Volume (Cubic Metre)',
        data: [2900, 2105, 1950, 2030, 2105, 1950, 1040, 1600, 2300, 3000, 2020, 1700, 2100, 2000, 2800],
        pointRadius: 0,
        pointStyle: 'line',
        borderColor: '#F37B2D',
        backgroundColor: '#F37B2D',
        yAxisID: 'y1'
        label: 'Price ($)',
        data: [350, 320, 380, 350, 315, 355, 190, 200, 240, 350, 270, 300, 250, 280, 320],
        pointRadius: 0,
        pointStyle: 'rect',
        borderColor: '#4473C5',
        backgroundColor: '#4473C5',
        fill: true,
        yAxisID: 'y'
    labels: labels,
  var config = {
    type: 'line',
    data: data,
    options: {
      maintainAspectRatio: false,
      scales: {
        x: {
          ticks: {
            minRotation: 90,
            maxRotation: 90
        y: {
          position: 'left',
          beginAtZero: true,
          title: {
            display: true,
            text: '$'
        y1: {
          position: 'right',
          beginAtZero: true,
          title: {
            display: true,
            text: 'Cubic Metre'
          grid: {
            drawOnChartArea: false
      plugins: {
        legend: {
          position: 'bottom',
          reverse: true,
          labels: {
            usePointStyle: true,
            padding: 25,
  var ctx = document.getElementById('chart');
  chart = new Chart(ctx, config);

$(function() {



I connected the y axis, used ‘stack’, I turned off the position on the left and right

Example code

 options: {
  maintainAspectRatio: false,
  scales: {
    x: {
      ticks: {
        minRotation: 90,
        maxRotation: 90
    y: {
      stack: 'chart',   // add stack
      //position: 'left',
      beginAtZero: true,
      title: {
        display: true,
        text: '$'
    y1: {
      stack: 'chart', // add stack
      offset: true, // add offset
      //position: 'right',
      beginAtZero: true,
      title: {
        display: true,
        text: 'Cubic Metre'
      grid: {
        drawOnChartArea: false
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