Ive been trying to take a user input from the dropdown list and update it to the backend through controller.i will explain my code below,
$(document).ready(function() { $(".form-group input").hide() //hide inputs $(".edit_save").click(function() { var selector = $(this).closest(".form-group") var btnText = $(this).text(); if (btnText === 'Edit') { $(this).text('Save'); $(this).next("button").show(); //hide selector.find("form span").hide() //span hide selector.find("form input").show() //show inputs } else { $(this).text('Edit'); $(this).next("button").hide(); selector.find("form span").show() selector.find("form input").hide() var blood_group = document.getElementById("blood_group").value; ajax.jsonRpc("/my/health-record-save", 'call', { 'sex': sex, }); selector.find("span.blood_group").text(blood_group) } });
<div class="form-group"> <form class="form-horizontal" style="bg-light"> <t> <button type="button" class="edit_save">Edit</button> <button class="cancel" type="button" style="display:none">Cancel</button> </t> <div class="col-md text-md-left" style="padding-top:10px"> <label class="text-secondary" for="blood_group"><strong>Blood group:</strong></label> <select name="blood_group" id="blood_group"> <option> <t t-esc ="hr.blood_group"/> </option> <option value="o+">O+</option> <option value="o-">O-</option> <option value="a+">A+</option> <option value="a-">A-</option> <option value="b-">B-</option> <option value="b+">B+</option> <option value="ab+">AB+</option> <option value="ab-">AB-</option> </select> </div> </form> </div>
@http.route(['/my/health-record-save'], type='json', auth="public", website=True) def portal_save_health_record(self, **kw): health_record_id = kw.get('h_record') blood_group = kw.get('blood_group') health_record = request.env['health.record'].search([('id', '=', health_record_id)]) health_record.write({ 'blood_group': blood_group, }) return request.redirect('/my/health-record')
What my concern is i dont know how to give the input class to <select>
dropdown list and make it to save to the backend through controller when the user click the button named save
It’s based on how you are render the view through- JS or controller.
Any way you should get hr.blood_group as a dictionary like – {‘o+’:”O+”,..}
then you can replace the option as below code.
<t t-set="blood_group" t-value="hr.blood_group"/> <option t-foreach="blood_group" t-as="bgroup" t-att-value="bgroup"> <t t-esc="blood_group[bgroup]"/> </option>
This is the base reference I can give, if you have any queries comment below.
Also, I’m adding a reference link from the website, take a look at it.