I want to put a value into the cell and get a research hyperlink.
I’m using the link: https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso=
For example, I write a value (00156610320218160021) in a blank cell, and after this, the link it will be:
The next cell, if I write this value (0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025), the link will be: =HYPERLINK("https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso=0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025";"0012204-19.2019.8.16.0025")
Important things:
Before I write this numbers, the cell needs to be blank;
The hyperlink needs to change according the cellĀ“s value;
Basically I want put a value into each cell in column A, and get these different links.
Someone know how can I do this?
I managed to solve part of the problem this way:
function hyperlink(){ var activeSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var a1 = activeSheet.getSelection().getActiveRange().getA1Notation(); //var a1 = activeSheet.getActiveCell().getA1Notation(); var values = activeSheet.getRange(a1).getValues(); const link = "https://projudi.tjpr.jus.br/projudi/processo/buscaProcesso.do?actionType=pesquisaSimples&flagNumeroUnico=true&numeroProcesso=" var hyperVal= values.map(row=> row.map(col=> `=HYPERLINK("${link}${col}";"${col}")` )); activeSheet.getRange(a1).setValues(hyperVal); activeSheet.getRange(a1).setShowHyperlink(true); /* I initially just tried doing this, but without setting the HYPERLINK formula, it did nothing */ }
The solution is for cases where the cell is selected.
I wanted to write the value in the cell and automatically see the link. Unfortunately, I can’t find a solution for this.