I have this mutation observer function below. The issue is that if the condition is met for “false” that console.log will log many times in the browser. I think the best way to fix this is to add something in here that if the mutation is met don’t run function.
Does adding in mutationObserver.disconnect(); after the else if condition the best way to accomplish this?
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { // Listening to Class Changes // var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { var change = mutation.target.classList.contains('hidden-class'); if (change === true) { return true; } else if (change === false) { console.log('this mutation is visible'); } }); }) mutationObserver.observe(document.getElementById('cart-wrapper'), { attributes: true, characterData: true, childList: true, subtree: true, attributeOldValue: true, characterDataOldValue: true }); });
Use .some
instead, to iterate over the mutations and see if any of the targets’ classLists contain the class:
var mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { const somethingJustMutatedIsHidden = mutations.some( mutation => mutation.target.classList.contains('hidden-class') ); if (somethingJustMutatedIsHidden) { // do something? } else { console.log('this mutation is visible'); } })
Keep in mind that forEach
ignores its return value; the return true
you currently have doesn’t do anything.