I am trying to solve a scenario and let me try to explain using an example. I have a script which tries to open a new url using window.open method. This script triggers a window open after 5 sec without any click event from the user. What I would like to do is .. capture the window open method. Is there any function available like addEventListener to capture window open method? I would like to track a window.open which was not initiated by user action.
Thanks Lynn
}, 5000);
You can replace it
NOTE: window.open does not work at stackoverflow due to sandboxing Also a window.open not triggered by a user action will likely be suppressed by the browser
const saveOpen = window.open;
window.open = function(url,windowName,parms) {
saveOpen(url, windowName || "",parms || "")
const url = "https://stackoverflow.com", windowName="myWin"
}, 1000);
As mentioned in How to call a function of another window in javascript? you could attach a load event listener to the window:
const loaded = function(str) { console.log(str) },
url = "https://stackoverflow.com", windowName="myWin";
const w = window.open(url,windowName);
if (w) w.addEventListener('load',function() { loaded(url)})
else console.log('sorry, not allowed'); // this of course can be a call to whatever
}, 1000);