I am new to Phaserjs, and I am trying to make a shooting game. I want the damage function to fire when a bullet touches plane2, that is the green plane. Can somone please tell me what am I doing wrong here? Here is my code:
var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 800, parent:"game", physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { debugging:true, gravity: {y: 0} } }, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var plane1 var plane2 var hp; var botHp; function preload (){ this.load.setBaseURL('https://shoot.abaanshanid.repl.co/assets'); this.load.image("bg", "bg.jpg"); this.load.image("plane1", "plane1.png"); this.load.image("plane2", "plane2.png"); this.load.image("bullet", "bullet.png"); } function create (){ this.background = this.add.image(400, 400, "bg"); plane1 = this.physics.add.sprite(400,700,"plane1"); plane2 = this.physics.add.sprite(400,100,"plane2"); plane1.enableBody = true; } function update(){ keys = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); if (keys.left.isDown) { plane1.x = plane1.x - 7.5; }else if(keys.right.isDown){ plane1.x = plane1.x + 7.5; }else if(keys.space.isDown){ var bullet = this.physics.add.sprite(plane1.x,600,"bullet"); bullet.enableBody = true; setInterval(function(){ bullet.y = bullet.y - 25; },50); this.physics.overlap(bullet,plane2,this.damage); } } function damage(){ console.log("less HP") } var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
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Here is the link to the game if needed https://shoot.abaanshanid.repl.co/
This works:
but its kinda laggy. Id try to destroy bullet on impact and i also found: