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How to create a el-table-tree structure with dynamic json data using javascript?

I have a task in which I need to convert an Array of Objects data to specified data tree structure for to display it in frontend tree-table. This below is my Array of Objects data.


I have to change this data into this below following data structure.


I have tried to do this using Recursion in methods but, I can’t do that in a way that I want. My task is I have to add an children whenever the type: 'object' is object with another referenced object inside that array of objects. And by the way the data is dyanmic which is from mongodb database. That’s just a simplified version of the code. If my information is not enough or seemed unreasonable sorry for that, I am fresher so, I just asked what i want. Thank you in advance for the help.




First, two notes:

  • On StackOverflow, we expect you to do your own work, and to present your best attempt, explaining where it went wrong. This is a question-and-answer site, not a code-it-for-you one. I’m going to try to answer you this time, but for the future, please read up on asking good questions.

  • Your comment “This is my JSON Data” is not accurate. JSON is a string format, used to transfer data between different systems or store it. What you have here is plain JavaScript data structures.


I think this is a fairly simple solution. But it makes one assumption that may not be justified. I didn’t see any way to distinguish your root objects in your input structure, except that they were first. I chose to use the first model as the source of your root objects. If you need to choose instead the one that has the model name of "form", we could change that easily enough.

The code looks like this:


Our main function is convertModels, which accepts a list of models and the key we’re going to search for. It searches the models for those one(s) with that key, and then flat-maps their attributes by copying all properties and, if the type is "object", adding a children node by recurring on the models and the source field.

We wrap this in convert which handles your outer object, its models property convert along with the first model’s model property, storing the result in a tableData property of a new object.

If you did want to use the "form" identifier instead of using the first record, the code is slightly simpler:

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