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How can I add more icon in input tag when I key down comma

I’m wondering how can I add more icon, when I keydown comma inside input tag

before input comma
after input comma

is there any plugins or reference code? please let me know



You can add an EventListener for the keyup event, that is fired, if a key was pressed and is released. The event interface proviedes a code property, that contains the code of the key that was pressed. If this code is “Comma”, you add a 🏠 (or any other character or icon) to the input’s value:

const input = document.querySelector("input");

input.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
  if (event.code === "Comma")
    input.value += "🏠";
<input type="text" value="🏠">

If you want to insert material icons, you can use a div with contenteditable and insert a <span class="material-icons">[icon-name]</span> after the user typed a comma:

const icon = `<span class="material-icons">house</span>`

const input = document.querySelector("div[contenteditable]");

input.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
  if (event.code === "Comma")
    input.innerHTML += icon;
div[contenteditable] {
  border: 1px solid black;
<html lang="en">

  <!-- ... -->
  <link href="" rel="stylesheet">

  <div contenteditable><span class="material-icons">house</span></div>


The bad thing about this is, that for example every house icon is five characters long, because we use house in the span and that is a house icon in the google material icons font, but it still remains five characters long. But this could be solved using another icon font, that works with classes.

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