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Highcharts X axis date bold

I am trying to make the date bold and red color in my highcharts x axis where time is also present in 12 hour format. I have done the following code but it is making all of the elements in x axis as bold as my time is in 12 hour format.

Highcharts.each($('.highcharts-xaxis-labels')[0].children, function(p, i) {
                    if (p.textContent.match(/[a-z]/i)) {
                        fill: '#951515',
                        fontWeight: 'bold'

How do I achieve this ?




Try this change in the condition to match.

If it is NOT a time, make it bold black.

Highcharts.each($('.highcharts-xaxis-labels')[0].children, function(p, i) {
  if ( !p.textContent.match(/dd[ap]m/i)) {
      fill: '#951515',
      fontWeight: 'bold'

dd[ap]m will match 04am, 16pm, etc.
