I have started creating a spreadsheet to monitor some results from facebook, youtube etc… A lot of things I did I was able to learn from previous answers on this site.
Now I am stuck with trying to find a script which can help me do the following:
Column A contains the description of the metric
Column B contains the formula which pulls the metric from extrenal sources (e.g. number of likes of my facbeook page, number of video views of my YT channel)
I would like to have a script which runs every Monday and performs the following actions:
- Insert a new column between column B and column C (moving all columns after B down by 1 place)
- Copy column B and paste only the values (not the formulas) in the new empty column C
- Write something like Week Commencing YYYY/MM/DD on top of Column C (C1) where YYYY/MM/DD is the date of the previous week’s monday
I have tried a modified version of this (from http://www.kraukoblog.com/marketing/tutorial-watch-your-competitors-facebook-pages-with-google-docs/):
function UpdateFblikes() {
var sheet =SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); //define spreadsheet name
var column = sheet.getRange("O1").getValue();
var row = 4;
Utilities.sleep(4000); // Slowdown the script (4 second)
var nblike = sheet.getRange("E4:E60"); // Select and copy the column
nblike.copyValuesToRange(sheet, column+5, column+5, row, row+56); // Paste the data
sheet.getRange(3, column+5).setValue(new Date()); // add date in column title
sheet.getRange("O1").setValue(column+1); // Incremente variable
But it only writes the date in the column.
This would enable me to compare the weekly changes in those metrics.
Is this possible at all?
I have been able to find the solution by navigating through different tutorials on google’s developers page. This is the function I have created
function insertcolumn() {
// The code below will insert 1 column after column 5 in sheet 4
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[4];
sheet.insertColumns(5, 1);
// Get the range of cells that store data to be copied having created a named range for the column in the spreadsheet.
var valuestocopy = ss.getRangeByName("valuestocopy")
// The code below copies the range valuestocopy cells to column five up to 100 rows
valuestocopy.copyValuesToRange(sheet, 5, 5, 1, 100);