I have this higher order component which recieve a comp of volunteer for ex and an action, and then render a table with the volunteer info: the volunteer comp code:
class Volenteer extends Component { render() { const title = 'רשימת מתנדבים'; const mode = 'work'; return ( <EntityTable columns = {columns} title = {title} mode = {mode} promiseProps = {this.props} /> ) } } export default WithEntity(Volenteer, requestVolunteerData() );
and the HOC code is:
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; const WithEntity = (EntityComponent, action) => { const mapStateToProps = state => { return { isPending: state.requestEntitiesReducer.isPending, entities: state.requestEntitiesReducer.entities, error: state.requestEntitiesReducer.error } } const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => { return { onRequestEntities: () => dispatch(action) } } class WithEntity extends Component { componentDidMount () { this.props.onRequestEntities(); } render() { return ( <EntityComponent {...this.props} /> ) } } return connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WithEntity); } export default WithEntity;
it works fine but i am getting this warning:
There are similiar question about this , but did not find the solution there, also i have tied to implement componentDidUpdate but it fails. is there a problem by using componentDidMount life cycle?
Edit: the DataProvider, FilterProvider or SortProvider, the components that mentioned in the message, comes from the react-bootstrap-table-2 comp:
const Table = ( {data, columns, mode} ) => { <div className = 'table-responsive fixed word-wrap scroll mapping_table'> <BootstrapTable bootstrap4 keyField={'id'} data={data} columns={columns} responsive = {true} condensed hover pagination={ paginationFactory()} filter={ filterFactory() } defaultSortDirection="asc" /> </div> } export default Table;
here is a picture of the components list:
This is a known problem in react-bootstrap-table-2
component and has nothing to do with the HOC code you’ve pasted.
Your options are:
- ignore the warning and hope nothing breaks
- do the work to fix the library for more modern React and maybe put in a PR – wait for someone else to do the work
- switch to another library