I have seen others having relatively minor performance problems with puppeteer running on Firebase Functions. In my case, Firebase times out before I can do anything with puppeteer, even with the memory and timeoutSeconds cranked all the way up.
import * as functions from "firebase-functions"; import puppeteer from "puppeteer"; const runScreenshot = async () => { console.log("Launching puppeteer..."); console.time("launch"); const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); console.timeEnd("launch"); console.log("Awaiting browser.newPage()..."); console.time("newPage"); const page = await browser.newPage(); console.timeEnd("newPage"); console.log("Setting viewport..."); console.time("setViewport"); page.setViewport({ width: 2000, height: 4000, deviceScaleFactor: 4 }); console.timeEnd("setViewport"); console.log("Goto page..."); console.time("goto"); await page.goto( "https://public.tableau.com/views/NCDHHS_COVID-19_Dashboard_Summary/NCDHHS_DASHBOARD_SUMMARY" ); console.timeEnd("goto"); console.log("Waiting for selector..."); console.time("selector"); await page.waitForSelector("#tab-dashboard-region"); console.timeEnd("selector"); // Wait for the spinner to go away await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 100)); console.time("href"); const href = await page.$("#tab-dashboard-region"); console.timeEnd("href"); console.time("screenshot"); href && (await href.screenshot({ path: "tmp/test.png" })); console.timeEnd("screenshot"); return browser.close(); }; export const screenshot = functions .runWith({ memory: "2GB", timeoutSeconds: 540 }) .pubsub.schedule("44 21 * * *") .timeZone("America/New_York") .onRun(() => { return runScreenshot(); });
Here’s the resulting Firebase Functions log. It takes a few seconds to run puppeteer.launch()
, and then browser.newPage()
won’t finish at all in the 8 minutes it has before the timeout.
9:44:04.012 PM screenshot Function execution started 9:44:04.555 PM screenshot Launching puppeteer... 9:44:09.427 PM screenshot launch: 4870.195ms 9:44:09.427 PM screenshot Awaiting browser.newPage()... 9:53:04.014 PM screenshot Function execution took 540004 ms, finished with status: 'timeout'
Complete reproducible example: https://github.com/danbockapps/firebase-puppeteer
I fixed this by adding {args: [ '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']}
to puppeteer.launch, as recommended here: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/6568