let chains: { keys: { "key1": { inStock: boolean; }; "key2": { inStock: boolean; }; "key3": { inStock: boolean; }; "key4": { inStock: boolean; }; "key5": { inStock: boolean; }; ... 6 more ...; "key5": { ...; }; }; inStock: boolean; }
I need to chains.fitler(x=>x.inStock)
bool statement then return the specific key, i also want to add conditions to return all if none are true.
EX: key1, key5 | inStock:true
return key1,key5
Not 100% sure how you want the input and output to be but you should get a bit closer with this implementation:
let chains = { keys: { "key1": { inStock: true }, "key2": { inStock: true }, "key3": { inStock: true }, "key4": { inStock: true }, "key5": { inStock: false } }, inStock: true } const getInStockItems = (allKeys) => { const result = [] for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(allKeys)) { if(value.inStock) result.push(key) } return result; } getInStockItems(chains.keys) // key1, key2, key3, key4 (not key5 since it's not in stock)