I’m having issue with building this demo. https://github.com/kakukogou/opencvjs_demo_segmentation
When i cd into this folder and run make command i get this error message:
/bin/sh: 1: emcc: not found make: *** [segmentation] Error 127
This is how make file looks like.
segmentation: ../src/segmentation.cpp ../src/export.cpp mkdir -p $(OBJDIR) emcc ../src/segmentation.cpp ../src/export.cpp -I $(OPENCV_INSTALL_DIR)/include $(OPENCV_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libopencv_core.so $(OPENCV_INSTALL_DIR)/lib/libopencv_imgproc.so -s EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS="['_on_mouse', '_on_init', '_on_process']" -O3 --llvm-lto 1 --closure 1 -s PRECISE_F32=1 -s FORCE_ALIGNED_MEMORY=1 -s TOTAL_MEMORY=306777216 -o ./bin/segmentation.js clean: rm ./bin/*.js ./bin/*.mem
Is there any issue with my environment variables. What is the proper way to compile this ?
For whatever reason default path configurations in .emscripten does not enable emcc in terminal. so i manually set the EMSCRIPTEN_ROOT in /etc/environment and now it recognizes the emcc command in terminal.