I’m trying to pass a javascript variable inside a dynamic url using Django. I have the following path
path('task-update/<str:pk>/', updateTask, name='task-update'),
I’m able to retrieve the “Task” fields I created (id, title, description, …) depending on what task I select inside the HTML (this is done using AJAX and the Django-REST Framework). However, I’m having some trouble on rendering javascript values inside dynamic urls
var url = `{% url 'task-update' pk=${activeItem.id} %}`
The ${activeItem.id} is where I’m having some trouble, I tried assigning it to a variable and passing that into the URL but it doesn’t work.
A workaround I’ve been using is
var url = `${activeItem.id}/`
however I’d like to use django’s template tags
After searching for quite a bit this was the best neat-looking solution I found (also the only one): django-js-urls.
Just pip install django-js-urls and add ‘js_urls’ to your INSTALLED APPS.
Afterwards add simply add JS_URLS to your settings.py file and put the names of the paths you’d like to use. In my case I only added task-update, it looks something like this
JS_URLS = ( 'task-update', )
Then, all you need to do is add the following in the URLs root module
from js_urls.views import JsUrlsView urlpatterns = [ # other urls url(r'^js-urls/$', JsUrlsView.as_view(), name='js_urls'), ]
And include the following js in the template
<script src="{% url 'js_urls' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>
URLs can be used using the window.reverse function
var url = window.reverse('task-update', { pk: activeItem.id });