I am building an custom audio player in React JS, I am current stuck with the volume controls in the audio player
Here is my code
Progress bar works fine, What should be logic behind the volume control
const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(0); const progressBar = useRef(); const audioPlayer = useRef();
.... <audio ref={audioPlayer} src="something.mp3" preload="auto" volume ></audio> // Volume Control Range slider <input type="range" defaultValue="0" className="mx-2 progressBarvolume bar volume" /> // Progress Bar <input type="range" className="progressBar bar" defaultValue="0" ref={progressBar} onChange={changeRange} /> ....
changeRange function :
const changeRange = () => { audioPlayer.current.currentTime = progressBar.current.value; changePlayerCurrentTime(); };
changePlayerCurrentTime function :
const changePlayerCurrentTime = () => { progressBar.current.style.setProperty( "--seek-before-width", `${(progressBar.current.value / duration) * 100}%` ); setCurrentTime(progressBar.current.value); };
Audio HTML Elements have a volume property you can access. You will need to have an onChange event in your audio slider.
Something like this within your onChange method will work:
audioPlayer.current.volume = e.target.value / 100;
where e is the ChangeEvent passed into the onChange method.