I want to create a new Array using two arrays.
itemsAll = [ {id: 1, itemId: 1, serialNo:"11111111", itemTypeId: 1, itemMasterId: 1, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 }, {id: 2, itemId: 2, serialNo:"2222222", itemTypeId: 3, itemMasterId: 2, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 } ];
There is a itemTypeId i want to get itemTypeName match with itemTypeId.
itemType = [ {id: 3, itemTypeId: 1, itemTypeName: "type Name 1", description: "Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true }, {id: 13, itemTypeId: 2, itemTypeName: "type Name 2", description: "222 Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true }, {id: 15 , itemTypeId: 3, itemTypeName: "type Name 3", description: "333 Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true } ];
Expected Array
itemsAllNew = [ {id: 1, itemId: 1, serialNo:"11111111", itemTypeId: 1, itemTypeName: "type Name 1", itemMasterId: 1, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 }, {id: 2, itemId: 2, serialNo:"2222222", itemTypeId: 3, , itemTypeName: "type Name 3", itemMasterId: 2, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 } ];
I added below tried solution but its contain unwanted key-value pairs also.
const output = itemsAll.map( itemsall => Object.assign(itemsall, itemType.find((itemtype) => itemtype.itemTypeId === itemsall.itemTypeId)) ); console.log(output);
Attached screenshot of output.
You can create a Map object and map it with time complexity O(1)
const mapItemType = new Map(itemType.map(i => [i.itemTypeId, i.itemTypeName])); const result = itemsAll.map(({itemTypeId, ...other}) => ({itemTypeName: mapItemType.get(itemTypeId), ...other }))
An example:
let itemsAll = [ {id: 1, itemId: 1, serialNo:"11111111", itemTypeId: 1, itemMasterId: 1, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 }, {id: 2, itemId: 2, serialNo:"2222222", itemTypeId: 3, itemMasterId: 2, itemStatus: 0, updatedBy: 1 } ]; let itemType = [ {id: 3, itemTypeId: 1, itemTypeName: "type Name 1", description: "Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true }, {id: 13, itemTypeId: 2, itemTypeName: "type Name 2", description: "222 Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true }, {id: 15 , itemTypeId: 3, itemTypeName: "type Name 3", description: "333 Hello", itemTypeStatus: 0, status: true } ]; const mapItemType = new Map(itemType.map(i => [i.itemTypeId, i.itemTypeName])); const result = itemsAll.map(({itemTypeId, ...other}) => ({itemTypeName: mapItemType.get(itemTypeId), ...other })) console.log(result)