I have no idea about ABAP – but my colleague (also no idea about it) showed me some code he came up with and it consisted of wayyy too many if-statements. In JavaScript I could’ve improved it but in ABAP I’m a bit lost because I’m missing my Arrays ;). I found out that internal Tables are used instead. But I still can’t figure it out.
The code is placed in a column of a Query Manager made by EPI-USE. It’s just a way to adjust some results of the query and I noticed I get an error if I try to create a report (“already in a program”) and if I create a class or a method (“close try-catch-block before declaring new Class”).
The problem is extremely simple:
There’s a person that has many properties, the values are numbers. These are the properties
PA0013-RVNUM PA0013_01-PERNR PA0013_02-PERNR PA0013_03-PERNR PA0013_04-PERNR PA0013_05-PERNR PA0013_06-PERNR PA0000_01-STAT2 PA0000_02-STAT2 PA0000_03-STAT2 PA0000_04-STAT2 PA0000_05-STAT2 PA0000_06-STAT2
I want to Loop through the PA0013-Block and follow These rules:
is empty all other properties have to be set to empty.
If a PA0013
-Value is empty all following PA0013
-Values have to be set to empty (not the previous ones).
If a PA0013
-Value is empty the corresponding PA0000
-Value has to be set to empty.
After the first Loop:
If any of the PA0000
-Values has the value 3 execute the command REJECT.
in order to kick the line out of the results.
My JS Code for this would look like that:
var pa0013Array=[ PA0013_01-NUM PA0013_02-NUM PA0013_03-NUM PA0013_04-NUM PA0013_05-NUM PA0013_06-NUM]; var pa0000Array=[ PA0000_01-NUM PA0000_02-NUM PA0000_03-NUM PA0000_04-NUM PA0000_05-NUM PA0000_06-NUM]; var emptyRest = (PA0005-NUM) ? false : true; for (var i = 0;i < pa0013Array.length;i++) { if (pa0013Array[i] == "") { emptyRest = true; } if (emptyRest) { pa0013Array[i]=""; pa0000Array[i]=""; } } if (pa0000Array.indexOf(3) != -1) { reject(); }
Can someone help me by “translating” my js code into ABAP?
My colleague just did something like this for all of the conditions:
IF PA0013-RVNUM is INITIAL. PA0013_01-PERNR = ''. PA0013_02-PERNR = ''. PA0013_03-PERNR = ''. PA0013_04-PERNR = ''. PA0013_05-PERNR = ''. PA0013_06-PERNR = ''. ENDIF. IF PA0013_01-PERNR = ''. PA0013_02-PERNR = ''. PA0013_03-PERNR = ''. PA0013_04-PERNR = ''. PA0013_05-PERNR = ''. PA0013_06-PERNR = ''. ENDIF.
IF PA0013_01-PERNR = ''. PA0000_01-STAT2 = ''. ENDIF.
IF PA0000_01-STAT2 = 03. REJECT. ENDIF.
He told me he set the PERNRs empty in order for the Query not to fill them with wrong PERNRs.
Here is how this program could look like. No guarantee at all that it works and does what your JavaScript does.
REPORT ZZZ. CLASS lcl_main DEFINITION FINAL CREATE PRIVATE. PUBLIC SECTION. CLASS-METHODS: main, reject. PRIVATE SECTION. TYPES: BEGIN OF t_num, num TYPE string, END OF t_num. CLASS-DATA: pa0013_01 TYPE t_num, pa0013_02 TYPE t_num, pa0013_03 TYPE t_num, pa0013_04 TYPE t_num, pa0013_05 TYPE t_num, pa0013_06 TYPE t_num, pa0000_01 TYPE t_num, pa0000_02 TYPE t_num, pa0000_03 TYPE t_num, pa0000_04 TYPE t_num, pa0000_05 TYPE t_num, pa0000_06 TYPE t_num, pa0005 TYPE t_num. ENDCLASS. CLASS lcl_main IMPLEMENTATION. METHOD main. DATA(lt_pa0013) = VALUE string_table( ( pa0013_01-num ) ( pa0013_02-num ) ( pa0013_03-num ) ( pa0013_04-num ) ( pa0013_05-num ) ( pa0013_06-num ) ). DATA(lt_pa0000) = VALUE string_table( ( pa0000_01-num ) ( pa0000_02-num ) ( pa0000_03-num ) ( pa0000_04-num ) ( pa0000_05-num ) ( pa0000_06-num ) ). DATA: lt_pa0000_hash TYPE SORTED TABLE OF string WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY TABLE_LINE. DATA(l_flg_empty_rest) = COND #( WHEN pa0005-num <> 0 THEN abap_false ELSE abap_true ). LOOP AT lt_pa0013 ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_pa0013>). IF <fs_pa0013> IS INITIAL. l_flg_empty_rest = abap_true. ENDIF. IF l_flg_empty_rest = abap_true. CLEAR <fs_pa0013>. lt_pa0000[ sy-tabix ] = space. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. lt_pa0000_hash = lt_pa0000. IF lt_pa0000_hash[ `3` ] IS INITIAL. reject( ). ENDIF. ENDMETHOD. METHOD reject. ASSERT 0 = 0. ENDMETHOD. ENDCLASS.