Sorry I’m newbie to React. It might be a stupid question but can I write HTML code inside of a React code? I’m trying to make a custom block for my wordpress theme and found a example code of JavaScript.
/* This section of the code registers a new block, sets an icon and a category, and indicates what type of fields it'll include. */
wp.blocks.registerBlockType('coin-info/border-box', {
title: 'color-info',
icon: 'money-alt',
category: 'common',
attributes: {
content: {type: 'string'},
color: {type: 'string'}
/* This configures how the content and color fields will work, and sets up the necessary elements */
edit: function(props) {
function updateContent(event) {
function updateColor(value) {
props.setAttributes({color: value.hex})
return (
"Simple Box"
React.createElement("input", { type: "text", value: props.attributes.content, onChange: updateContent }),
React.createElement(wp.components.ColorPicker, { color: props.attributes.color, onChangeComplete: updateColor })
save: function(props) {
return wp.element.createElement(
{ style: { border: "3px solid " + props.attributes.color } },
I inserted some div tags and p tags inside of the code like HTML, but keeps giving me error. I think I need to study it later LOL
Well, it is kind of tricky question. The problem that you cannot use HTML directly in React js files. To make things working you need to have a babel compiler that will replace you HTML tags with React objects.
The code you’ve sampled it using compiled code (React.createElement). You have to pass this data as a child of some react component to make it work.
So or you using enter link description here or use Babel compiler to prepare your code.