I am new with Vue.
I have a Vue component like below. The return value of my function getBuildingsByOwnerRequest
is unexpected: It returns an empty observer object. Only if I run getBuildingsByOwnerRequest
again I receive the expected output from my store action.
Could this be a reactivity problem?
data() { return { editedOwner = { "owner_id": 12223, } }, } computed: { ...mapState("buildings", ["buildings_by_owner"]), }, methods: { ...mapActions("buildings", ["getBuildingsByOwnerRequest"]), function() { this.getBuildingsByOwnerRequest(this.editedOwner.owner_id); console.log(this.buildings_by_owner) // returns empty observer object ([__ob__: Observer] with length: 0) // if I run the function again I get the expected return }; }
buildings.js (store):
state: { buildings_by_owner: [] }, actions: { getBuildingsByOwnerRequest({ dispatch }, owner_id) { axios .get( `${process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_URL}/get/buildings_by_owner/owner_id=${owner_id}` ) .then((res) => { // API call returns valid json as expected dispatch("receiveBuildingsByOwner", res.data); }); }, receiveBuildingsByOwner({ commit }, payload) { commit("RECEIVED_BUILDINGS_BY_OWNER", payload); }, } mutations: { RECEIVED_BUILDINGS_BY_OWNER(state, payload) { state.buildings_by_owner = payload; }, }
The object is empty at the time it’s logged. All asynchronous actions should return a promise:
getBuildingsByOwnerRequest({ dispatch }, owner_id) { return axios ...
A promise needs to be awaited before accessing results that it promises:
this.getBuildingsByOwnerRequest(this.editedOwner.owner_id).then(() => { console.log(this.buildings_by_owner) })