I wanted to write a code, that stores some information in my local storage when I click on a button. The function for the local storage is working fine but the event listener doesn’t. The click event is not referring to the button. It refers on every click.
<td> <input type="button" value="In den Warenkorb"id="Knopfwarenkorb1"> <script> const el = document.getElementById('Knopfwarenkorb1'); el.addEventListener('click', zumWarenkorbHinzufuegen(produkt1)); </script> </td>
Use function instead of call event on load like:
let produkt1 = 'hello'; const el = document.getElementById('Knopfwarenkorb1'); el.addEventListener('click', () => { zumWarenkorbHinzufuegen(produkt1) }); function zumWarenkorbHinzufuegen(pro){ console.log(pro); }
<td> <input type="button" value="In den Warenkorb" id="Knopfwarenkorb1"> </td>
As you can see in the example below the function will call without click
let produkt1 = 'hello'; const el = document.getElementById('Knopfwarenkorb1'); el.addEventListener('click', zumWarenkorbHinzufuegen(produkt1)); function zumWarenkorbHinzufuegen(pro){ console.log(pro); }
<td> <input type="button" value="In den Warenkorb" id="Knopfwarenkorb1"> </td>