I created a table with Material UI v5 and now when the mouse pointer hovered on the table row I want to add a blue border to the table row.
I have tried a lot of ways and searched but I did not find any solution.
this is what I made so far:
You can check the online example here: https://codesandbox.io/s/reverent-faraday-6jb5yt
I did this:
const StyledTableRow = styled(TableRow)(({ theme }) => ({ "&:nth-of-type(odd)": { backgroundColor: theme.palette.action.hover }, "&:last-child td, &:last-child th": { border: 0 }, '&:hover': { border: '3px solid blue' }, [`&.${tableRowClasses.root}`]: { borderRadius: "100px" } }));
Specifically, including on StyledTableRow
these lines:
'&:hover': { border: '3px solid blue' },