Effects runs perfectly on first two dispatch of action but doesn’t trigger on the third time.The solution in Why action doesn’t trigger Effect the second time it runs and @ngrx Effect does not run the second time doesn’t work for me. Here’s the effect:
@Effect() getRoomsByRoomsList: Observable<IAction> = this.actions$.pipe( ofMap(commonEuropeanParliamentActions.GET_ROOMS_BY_ROOMS_LIST), withLatestFrom(this.store, (action, state) => ({state: state, action: action})), exhaustMap((pAction: IStateAction) => this.getRooms(pAction).pipe( switchMap((entity: any) => [ commonEuropeanParliamentActions.getSuccessRoomsByRoomsList(entity), commonEuropeanParliamentActions.getSchedule(entity) ]), catchError(() => of()), ) ), );
I also had a similar problem. The issue was with my reducer. In my reducer some error occurred which wasn’t handled, as a result, the effect stopped working.
Could you check if that’s the issue in your case too, if no other solutions worked?