what happens if I select a date by clicking on the calendar it works fine but if the first time I set a date to empty and I will type the date it will not react like date format its go like 11111111111111111111 like this so its break the format of date but if I select from the calendar after that I will edit it work fine only first time if I will edit direct type it goes wrong.
<MuiPickersUtilsProvider utils={DateFnsUtils}> <Grid container justifyContent="space-around"> <KeyboardDatePicker disableToolbar variant="inline" format="MM/dd/yyyy" margin="normal" id="date-picker-inline" label="Date picker inline" value={formik.values.dob} onChange={handleChangeDate} KeyboardButtonProps={{ "aria-label": "change date" }} /> </Grid> </MuiPickersUtilsProvider>
I found this example, that seems to do exactly what you are trying to do. Does it helps ?