Hey i am using Apex chart with vue.js
Here is my option value :
export const option = { chartOptions: { chart: { height: 350, type: 'line', zoom: { enabled: false, }, toolbar: { show: false, }, }, dataLabels: { enabled: false, }, stroke: { curve: 'straight', }, grid: { row: { colors: ['#f3f3f3', 'transparent'], opacity: 0.5, }, }, yaxis: { type: 'numeric', }, xaxis: { type: 'datetime', }, }, };
and here in my component data here is my series structure:
chartData = [{ "name": "Chloride", "data": [{ "x": "2021-02-08", "y": 40, }] }, { "name": "M Alkalinity", "data": [] }]
Then i am having my component called like this:
<apexchart type="line" height="350" :options="chartOptions" :series="chartData" />
Nothing is displayed on the chart
Running it in a codesandbox works fine. Are you sure it isn’t just because you didn’t have any chart data? (I’ve added some in for the example)
I changed
chartData = [{ "name": "Chloride", "data": [{ "x": "2021-02-08", "y": 40, }] }, { "name": "M Alkalinity", "data": [] }]
export default { data() { return { chartOptions: { //.. }, series: [ { name: "Chloride", data: [ { x: "2021-02-08", y: 40, }, { x: "2021-02-09", y: 50, }, ], }, { name: "M Alkalinity", data: [ { x: "2021-02-08", y: 60, }, { x: "2021-02-09", y: 20, }, ], }, ], }; }, };