I am working on a time series chart and wondering if it’s possible for a chart to have like a gradient background. This is the pen of what I currently have: https://codepen.io/boinx-fm/pen/RqogXV
var data = [{ x: [time], y: [rand()], mode:'lines', fill:'tozeroy', fillcolor :'rgba(249, 180, 14, 0.5) }];
Attached is the sample background I’m trying to achieve:
Plotly.js does not support gradient color at this moment.
You can subscribe to https://github.com/plotly/plotly.js/issues/581 for development info.
To change background color of the layout:
var layout = { xaxis:{ range:[newTime,nextTime] }, yaxis:{ range:[0,1], zeroline: false, showline: false, autotick: true, ticks: '', showticklabels: false }, // Change background color here ... paper_bgcolor: 'green', plot_bgcolor: 'blue' }