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I cant look for a value in a object array, it returns me error [closed]

Hello everyone I’m doing this music player and this is the song loader but the problem is that when I try to assing the value to song constant with lookSongbyId function it returns me an error idk why

let queue = [
        id: 1,
        name: 'Crush',
        artist: 'Glades',

const loadSong = (id) =>{

    function lookSongbyId(id)
        queue.forEach(currentSong => {
            if( == id )
                return currentSong

    const song = lookSongbyId(id)

    console.log(`la canciĆ³n ${} ha sido cargada`)

song constant is undefined, and I dont know why aghhh If u could help me with this code I’ve been so thankful with u :DDD



Assuming the functionlookSongbyId is just misspelled (you must write function lookSongbyId), the forEach function cannot be used to return a value, as indirectly said here. Use a for ... of or .find() to retrieve the element
