Can’t understand why the following function works for some strings an didn’t work for some which has a similar character like the first.
const change = (str,y) => (str.toLowerCase().replace(str[y],str[y].toUpperCase())); console.log(change('London',3)); //lonDon console.log(change('Lagos',3)); //lagOs console.log(change('Germany',3)); //gerMany console.log(change('Dcoder',3)); //Dcoder console.log(change('Bobby',3)); //Bobby
The function String.prototype.replace
replaces the first occurrence when the first argument is a string.
You can split the string change the index to uppercase and finally join the chars.
const change = (str, y) => { const lowercase = str.toLowerCase().split(""); lowercase[y] = str[y].toUpperCase(); return lowercase.join(""); }; console.log(change('London',3)); console.log(change('Lagos',3)); console.log(change('Germany',3)); console.log(change('Dcoder',3)); console.log(change('Bobby',3));