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How to use a method on page load? VueX

I’m learning Vue with Vuex, I made a method called ‘llamarJson’this method get a json data. I don’t know how to use it when the page load. I tried many ways but I could not find a solution. I’m using Vue and Vuex. Please, could you help me?

That’s the code html:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Vue -->
    <script src=""></script>
    <!-- Vuex -->
    <script src=""></script>

    <div id="caja-vue">

    <script src="codigo.js"></script>   

That’s the JS code:

Vue.component('actividades', {
    template: /*html*/
        `  <div>
            <h1>Hello friend</h1>
                <ul v-for="item of actividades">
                    <li>{{ }}</li>
    computed: {
    methods: {

const store = new Vuex.Store({
    state: {
        actividades: [],
        programas: []
    mutations: {
        llamarJsonMutation(state, llamarJsonAction){
            state.actividades = llamarJsonAction;
    actions: {
        llamarJson: async function(){
            const data = await fetch('');
            const actividades = await data.json();
            commit('llamarJsonMutation', actividades);

new Vue({
    el: '#caja-vue',
    store: store



you should use vue life cycle hooks for this, read the link below:

Vue life cycle hooks

these are vue hooks:

Creation Hooks

beforeCreate(): events and lifecycle have been initialized but data has not been made reactive

created(): you have access to data and events that are reactive but templates and virtual DOM have not yet been mounted or rendered

Mounting Hooks

beforeMount(): runs before the initial render

mounted(): you have access to the reactive component, templates and rendered DOM

Updating Hooks

beforeUpdate(): runs after data changes and before the DOM is re-rendered

updated(): runs after data changes and the DOM is re-rendered

Destruction Hooks

beforeDestroy(): runs before tear down

destroyed(): runs after tear down

for page load depending on your need (if you want to have access to DOM or not) you may use created() or mounted() hooks.

just define them in your vue component object and call your method in them like this:

created() {

in your case you can also call the vuex action from the created (or any other hook) directly like this:

created() {
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