I am trying to check if a time occurs between two times 4:29 PM and 8:59AM using moment.js, however it doesn’t work, here is my code:
var dropoff_date = new Date(document.getElementById("car-rental-dropoff-date").value); var dropoff_time_string = document.getElementById("car-rental-dropoff-time").value; var format = 'h:mm A'; var dropoff_time = moment(dropoff_time_string,format), ahStart = moment('4:29 PM', format), ahEnd = moment('8:59 AM', format); if ((moment(dropoff_time).isBetween(ahStart, ahEnd)) { alert ("it works!"); }
However it does work if I change 8:59AM to 9:00 PM, it just doesn’t work if I go into the AM, can anyone help me fix this?
EDIT 3: I just got it working, but this code seems a little much, I would appreciate it if anyone has a better way of doing this:
var dropoff_time_string = document.getElementById("car-rental-dropoff-time").value; var format = 'h:mm A'; var dropoff_time = moment(dropoff_time_string,format), closingToday = moment('4:30 PM', format), closingYesterday = moment('4:30 PM', format).subtract(1, 'day'), openingToday = moment('9:00 AM', format), openingTomorrow = moment('9:00 AM', format).add(1, 'day'); if (((moment(dropoff_time).isBetween(closingYesterday , openingToday)) || (moment(dropoff_time).isBetween(closingToday , openingTomorrow))) { //bill = (bill+20000); alert ("IT WORKS!" ); }
The moment parser is picky I guess. This format works, plus you were missing some var
declarations on the time variables and missing some semicolons at the end of lines:
var format = "MM-DD-YY hh:mm A"; var dropoff_time = moment("01-01-01 8:21 pm", format); var ahStart = moment('01-01-01 4:30 pm', format); var ahEnd = moment('01-02-01 8:30 am', format); if (dropoff_time.isBetween(ahStart, ahEnd)) { console.log("it works!"); }