I am trying to implement a turn by turn navigation with mapbox gl js in react,I am trying to make the marker positon update smooth instead of it being teleported.So to perform the animation I am trying to call a function recursively but for some reason the same function behaves differently when called second time compared to the first,code snippet is given below (logs)
const animateMarker = () => { setSteps(0); const lng = endlongitude - longitude; const lat = endlatitude - latitude; setDeltaLng(lng / numDeltas); setDeltaLat(lat / numDeltas); makeAnimation(); }; const makeAnimation = () => { let t = 0; setLatitude(latitude + deltaLat); setLongitude(longitude + deltaLng); let lat = 13.0547712; let lng = 80.1144832; const loop = () => { setTimeout(() => { lng = lng + deltaLng; lat = lat + deltaLat; console.log(lat); t++; usermarker ? .setLngLat([lng + deltaLng, lat + deltaLat]); if (t != numDeltas) { loop(); } }, 100); }; loop(); }; <!-- end snippet - <!-- begin snippet: js hide: false console: true babel: false --> > I am using normal JS variables instead of react useState because useState doesnt work in recursive state updation.This behaviour is very weird ,also I have attached the console log for the variable showing both functions running but behaving differently
<button className="nav-btn" onClick={(e) => { animateMarker(); }} > navigate </button>
Your function makeAnimation
captured the value of the state values when you first called it, so it won’t update the delta
Consider using the functional form of the setState