So basically my addrole command after the new version of discord.jsv13 no longer works and displays errors like is not a function or is not defined even though I believe there is no error, I’m pretty experienced with javascript but I tried different methods of fixing it but neither seem to do the trick, maybe because v12 is deprecated the discord API malfunctions idk?
The code
const lineReplyNoMention = require('discord-reply'); const color = process.env.Color; module.exports = { name: 'addrole', cooldown: 5, aliases: ['addnewrole'], permissions: ["MANAGE_ROLES"], clientpermissions: ["MANAGE_ROLES", "SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS"], async execute(client, message, cmd, args, Discord) { const user = message.mentions.users.first(); const usertarget = message.guilds.members.cache.get(; if (!user) { const nopr = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setColor(`${color}`).setAuthor(`${}`,{ dynamic: true })).setDescription(`**`(prefix)addrole <@user> <@role>`**`) return message.lineReplyNoMention({ embed: nopr }) } args.shift() const roleToGive = message.mentions.roles.first() if (!roleToGive) { const addroleError2 = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setDescription(`**No Roles Provided!**`).setColor(`${color}`) return message.lineReplyNoMention({ embed: addroleError2 }) } usertarget.roles.add( const embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setColor(`${color}`).setAuthor(`${}`,{ dynamic: true })).setDescription(`**Added: `${roleToGive}` To `${user.username}`**`) message.lineReplyNoMention({ embed: embed }) } }
I think your issue may come from your discord-reply npm package which isn’t updated.
I took the time to edit your code and fix some issues I found. The code below worked on my side.
//Import MessageEmbed class for the embeds. const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js"); const color = process.env.Color; module.exports = { name: 'addrole', cooldown: 5, aliases: ['addnewrole'], permissions: ["MANAGE_ROLES"], clientpermissions: ["MANAGE_ROLES", "SEND_MESSAGES", "EMBED_LINKS"], async execute(client, message, cmd, args, Discord) { const user = message.mentions.users.first(); const usertarget = message.guild.members.cache.get(; //guilds to guild & user to if (!user) { const nopr = new MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setColor(`${color}`).setAuthor(`${}`,{ dynamic: true })).setDescription(`**`(prefix)addrole <@user> <@role>`**`) return message.reply({ embeds: [nopr] }) //reply instead } args.shift() const roleToGive = message.mentions.roles.first() if (!roleToGive) { const addroleError2 = new MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setDescription(`**No Roles Provided!**`).setColor(`${color}`) return message.reply({ embeds: [addroleError2] }) //reply instead. } usertarget.roles.add( const embed = new MessageEmbed().setTimestamp().setColor(`${color}`).setAuthor(`${}`,{ dynamic: true })).setDescription(`**Added: `${roleToGive}` To `${user.username}`**`) message.reply({ embeds: }) //reply instead. } }