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What’s the correct way to pass props as initial data in Vue.js 2?

So I want to pass props to an Vue component, but I expect these props to change in future from inside that component e.g. when I update that Vue component from inside using AJAX. So they are only for initialization of component.

My cars-list Vue component element where I pass props with initial properties to single-car:


The way I do it right now it that inside my single-car component I’m assigning this.initialProperties to my on created() initialization hook. And it works and is reactive.


But my problem with that is that I don’t know if that’s a correct way to do it? Won’t it cause me some troubles along the road? Or is there a better way to do it?



Thanks to this I know the answer now.

Method 1

Pass initial prop directly to the data. Like the example in updated docs:


But have in mind if the passed prop is an object or array that is used in the parent component state any modification to that prop will result in the change in that parent component state.

Warning: this method is not recommended. It will make your components unpredictable. If you need to set parent data from child components either use state management like Vuex or use “v-model”.

Method 2

If your initial prop is an object or array and if you don’t want changes in children state propagate to parent state then just use e.g. Vue.util.extend [1] to make a copy of the props instead pointing it directly to children data, like this:


Method 3

You can also use spread operator to clone the props. More details in the Igor answer:

But have in mind that spread operators are not supported in older browsers and for better compatibility you’ll need to transpile the code e.g. using babel.


[1] Have in mind this is an internal Vue utility and it may change with new versions. You might want to use other methods to copy that prop, see How do I correctly clone a JavaScript object?.

My fiddle where I was testing it:
