I have problems, I wrote code in Jquery, the worker asks not to use it. This function should check the inputs for fullness
$('document').ready(function() { $('#btn').on('click', function() { $('.registration__labels .rfield').each(function() { if ($(this).val() == '') { console.log(2); $('input[required]').addClass('error'); } else { console.log(1); $('input[required]').removeClass('error'); } }); }); });
here is the Jquery code, it works
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function validation (){ if(btn.addEventListener("click", function() { ('.registration__labels .rfield').forEach(() => { if (document.getElementsByClassName('input[type=text]').value == '') { console.log(2); (".input[required]").classList.add('error'); } else { console.log(1); (".input[required]").classList.remove('error'); } } )}))[validation]});
and this is me trying to translate it into javascript and it doesn’t work. Help me pls
a way to do that…
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const allRegLabs = document.querySelectorAll('.registration__labels .rfield') document.querySelector('#btn').onclick = () => { allRegLabs.forEach( el => { let err = el.classList.toggle('error', (el.value === '')) console.log( (err ? '2':'1' )) }) } })