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VueJs 2.0 emit event from grand child to his grand parent component

It seems that Vue.js 2.0 doesn’t emit events from a grand child to his grand parent component.

Vue.component('parent', {
  template: '<div>I am the parent - {{ action }} <child @eventtriggered="performAction"></child></div>',
    return {
      action: 'No action'
  methods: {
    performAction() { this.action = 'actionDone' }

Vue.component('child', {
  template: '<div>I am the child <grand-child></grand-child></div>'

Vue.component('grand-child', {
  template: '<div>I am the grand-child <button @click="doEvent">Do Event</button></div>',
  methods: {
    doEvent() { this.$emit('eventtriggered') }

new Vue({
  el: '#app'

This JsFiddle solves the issue , but by emtting two events:

  • One from grand child to middle component
  • Then emitting again from middle component to grand parent

Adding this middle event seems repetitive and unneccessary. Is there a way to emit directly to grand parent that I am not aware of?



NEW ANSWER (Nov-2018 update)

I discovered that we could actually do this by leveraging the $parent property in the grand child component:

this.$parent.$emit("submit", {somekey: somevalue})

Much cleaner and simpler.

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