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vue.js data not updating when incremented

I have an object containing an array, which gets incremented after some amount of logic has completed.

Vue.js doesn’t seem to be capturing this increment and displaying it to the view.


<div id="demo">


function Board()
  this.team1 = {pointsMade:[0]};

var newBoard = new Board();


new Vue({
  el: '#demo',
  data: {
    points: newBoard.team1.pointsMade


I have a JSFiddle that outlines the problem.

You can see that after setTimeout(newBoard.team1.pointsMade[0]++,1000) runs, the value should be ‘2’, but is only displayed at ‘1’. What am I missing here?



When you define

  data: {
    points: newBoard.team1.pointsMade[0]

the points variable is just assigned current value of newBoard.team1.pointsMade[0], which is 1 at this moment. There is no magic here. JS primitives works by value, not by references.

So, after updating the newBoard.team1.pointsMade[0] variable, the point variable is not updating of course.

To make this work, use object instead of primitive value. Objects work by reference in JS.

From Properties and Methods example:

var data = { a: 1 }
var vm = new Vue({
  data: data
vm.a === data.a // -> true
// setting the property also affects original data
vm.a = 2
data.a // -> 2
// ... and vice-versa
data.a = 3
vm.a // -> 3


There is another caveat here:

Due to limitations in JavaScript, Vue cannot detect when you directly set an item with the index, e.g. vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue. So, use Vue.set(newBoard.team1.pointsMade, 0, newBoard.team1.pointsMade[0] + 1);.

I updated your fiddle.
