Is there an event in Vue that gets fired after an element re-renders? I have an object that updates, which causes my template to update. After it updates I want to trigger an event which runs a jQuery function. The code looks like this:
template: ` <div class="undo-margin"> <div class="gradient"> <img v-bind:src="blogPost.thumbnail"/> <h1 class="align-bottom">{{blogPost.title}}</h1> </div> <div class="container bg-faded"> <article v-html="blogPost.article"></article> </div> </div> `, props: ["blogid"], data: function () { return blogPageData; }, mounted: function () { const blogid = jQuery("#blogPage").attr("blogid"); if (this.authdata.roles.indexOf("Administrator") !== -1) { this.isAdmin = true; } this.getBlogPost(blogid); }, methods: { getBlogPost: function (blogid) { var element = this; $.ajax({ url: `/api/blog/${blogid}`, type: "get", headers: headers, success: function (data) { if (data === undefined) { window.location.replace("/blog"); } else { element.isDetails = true; element.blogPost = data; } }, error: function (data) { window.location.replace("/blog"); errorData.error = data.responseText; } }); } }, watch: { blogPost: function () { console.log(this.blogPost); jQuery("pre").each((i, e) => { hljs.highlightBlock(e); }); } }
As you see, I tried using the watch event, however when the watch event triggers, my page is not updated yet. blogPost however has been changed, but vue is still rendering the page. I know I could theoretically fix this by adding a setTimeout, but I would prefer something cleaner.
might be what you’re looking for.
Edit: Now that Vue3 is the current version here are the links to the relevant lifecycle hooks.
Vue3 Composition API
Vue3 Options API