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Vue: attaching @keyup/@input event to data property breaks form input

I’m trying to attach a simple character counter to an input element but the second I display it back to the user, the input breaks in that I’m unable to enter any additional characters in the input box.

        <label class="label" :class="{ 'label-large' : large }" v-if="label">
            {{ label }} <sup class="is-required" v-if="isRequired">Req</sup>
        <input class="input-control" :class="{ 'input-large' : large }" :maxlength="maxLength" :placeholder="placeholderText" ref="input" :value="text" @change="formatValue($" @keyup="countCharacters($" />
        <div class="flex text-x-small-regular mt-2" :class="large ? 'px-4' : 'px-2'" v-if="maxLength || validationFailed">
            <div class="validation-message">
                <template v-if="validationFailed">{{ validationMessage }}</template>
            <div class="character-count" v-if="maxLength">
                <span :class="characterCountWarningStyle">{{ characterCount }}</span> / {{ maxLength }}

export default {
    props: {
        isRequired: {
            default: false,
            required: false,
            type: Boolean
        label: {
            required: false,
            type: String
        large: {
            default: false,
            required: false,
            type: Boolean,
        maxLength: {
            required: false,
            type: Number
        placeholder: {
            required: false,
            type: String
        text: {
            required: false,
            type: String
        validationMessage: {
            default: "Required field.",
            required: false,
            type: String
    data() {
        return {
            characterCount: 0,
            validationFailed: false,
            value: undefined
    computed: {
        characterCountWarningStyle() {
            return "" // Simplified.
        placeholderText() {
            return "" // Simplified.
    methods: {
        countCharacters(value) {
            // Works: 
            // Breaks form input: this.characterCount = value.length;
        formatValue(value) {
            this.validationFailed = false;

            if (value) value = value.trim();

        validate(value) {
            if (this.isRequired && !value) {
                this.validationFailed = true;

            this.$emit('update', value);

To summarize the code above, I’m doing some basic cleansing on change, and am looking to trigger a character count on key up. What am I missing?



The characterCount update in the keyup handler is triggering a rerender of the entire component in order to render the new value of the characterCount string interpolation in the template. The rendering includes the <input>, whose value is bound to text. If text is an empty string or null, the <input> is effectively cleared on keyup.

To resolve the issue, use a local copy of the text prop that can be modified, and bind it to the <input>‘s v-model.

  1. Create a data property (named "value"), and a watcher on the text prop that copies text into value:

    export default {
      props: {
        text: {/*...*/},
      data() {
        return {
          value: ''
      watch: {
        text(newText) {
          this.value = newText
  2. Use the new value property as the <input>‘s v-model:

    <input v-model="value">
  3. Remove the keyup handler and the characterCount data property, and instead use a computed prop that returns the length of value:

    export default {
      computed: {
        characterCount() {
          return this.value.length

Edit Troubleshooting input changes

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