I created a table with filter. every thing worked well. Later on, I wanted to change the filters from material ui to Core ui. I created one filter and tried to test it before moving. But it didn’t work. The problem that useEffect doesn’t fire no matter what. I even tried to put variable x and increment it when a click happen and put it as arguement in useEffect. but nothing happen.
function renderTableData(will render my table every time I pick a filter) function onSiteChange(a function trigger when I pick a filter) function UpdateTableData (will feed my table for the 1st time)
thank you
******************************** RENDER TABLE ********************* const renderTableData = () => { return ( <div className="selectTable"> <div className="ag-theme-alpine" style={{ height: "75vh", width: "110wh", alignContent: "center", alignItems: "center", alignSelf: "center", }} > <AgGridReact rowData={dataFiltred} rowHeight={rowHeight} rowStyle={{ textAlign: "center" }} > <AgGridColumn field="Pseudo"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Site"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Langue"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Actif_Inactif"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Date_Formation"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Formateur"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Nature_Formation"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Durée"></AgGridColumn> <AgGridColumn field="Action"></AgGridColumn> </AgGridReact> </div> </div> ); }; // ********************************* logic ********************* function onSiteChange(value, type) { if (type === "Site") { value.forEach((elem) => { rowData.forEach((data) => { if (data["Site"] === elem["value"]) { dataSiteFiltred.push(data); } }); }); console.log(dataSiteFiltred); if (dataSiteFiltred.length) { dataFiltred = []; dataSiteFiltred.forEach((elem94) => { dataFiltred.push(elem94); }); } } } function updateTableData() { if (!dataFiltred.length) { rowData.forEach((elem) => { dataFiltred.push(elem); }); } } updateTableData(); useEffect( () => { renderTableData(); console.log("fired"); }, [dataFiltred], [dataSiteFiltred] );
You haven’t used any state, or change states or props which are not causing re-render and useEffect acordingly
You will need to have yourdataFiltred
and dataSiteFiltred
store in a state then update it in order to cause re-rendering/useEffect.
Something like this:
const [dataFiltred, setDataFiltred] = useState([]);
and update your state like this:
setDataFiltred([...dataFiltred, elem94]);
useEffect only accept one dependency array
So if you want to watch both arrays do this:
useEffect( () => { renderTableData(); console.log("fired"); },[dataFiltred, dataSiteFiltred] );
In case it does not activate useEffect after array change, you could consider use Array.length
useEffect( () => { renderTableData(); console.log("fired"); },[dataFiltred.length, dataSiteFiltred.length] );