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Use promise-returning code without async/await

I’m trying to quickly write a simple tool in NodeJS using pdf-lib. pdf-lib appears to be designed to use promises and async/await, but I don’t want the extra code complexity of async/await for such a simple tool.

How can I use functions that return a promise without the extra bother of async/await?



Since the library primarily uses Promises, you will have to learn how to use Promises regardless, if you want to be able to use the library.

If you think async/await will be too difficult, you can construct .then chains instead. When you start with a Promise or have a Promise inside a .then, make another .then, whose callback will run when the Promise resolves. For example, this:

const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.load(existingPdfBytes)

// Embed the Helvetica font
const helveticaFont = await pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica)

if you want to do away with async/await, can be

// first Promise
  .then((pdfDoc) => {
    // second Promise: return it so its resolve value can be used in the next `.then`
    return pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica);
  .then((helveticaFont) => {
    // helveticaFont is now available inside this `.then`
  .catch(handleErrors); // don't forget this

Or you could nest the second .then inside to have access both to pdfDoc and helveticaFont at once, or use Promise.all:

  .then((pdfDoc) => {
    return pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica)
      .then((helveticaFont) => {
        // both helveticaFont and are available inside this `.then`


const pdfDoc = await 
// first Promise
  .then((pdfDoc) => {
    return Promise.all([pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica), pdfDoc]);
  .then(([helveticaFont, pdfDoc]) => {
    // both helveticaFont and are available inside this `.then`

But, as you can see, it gets really messy when you have lots of asynchronous requests to make. I’d highly recommend using async/await here if at all possible – it’ll make things much easier and much less complicated. On the contrary, deliberately avoiding async/await will probably make things significantly (and unnecessarily) more tedious.
