How can I update the parameters of URL(window.history) based on multi groups of check-boxes if any of group been checked?
Like (if only the make selected)
or if make and model is selected
$(document).ready(function() { $("input:checkbox[name='make']").change(function() { var makechecks = []; $("input[type='checkbox']:checked").each(function() { makechecks[makechecks.length] = this.value; }); console.log( makechecks.join() ); }); $("input:checkbox[name='model']").change(function() { var modelchecks = []; $("input[type='checkbox']:checked").each(function() { modelchecks[modelchecks.length] = this.value; }); console.log( modelchecks.join() ); }); $("input:checkbox[name='year']").change(function() { var yearchecks = []; $("input[type='checkbox']:checked").each(function() { yearchecks[yearchecks.length] = this.value; }); console.log( yearchecks.join() ); }); function UpdateURL(){ window.history.pushState( {} , '', ''); } });
<script src=""></script> <div id="make"> <p>Toyota :<input type="checkbox" name="make" value="toyota"></p> <p>Honda : <input type="checkbox" name="make" value="honda"></p> <p>Mazda : <input type="checkbox" name="make" value="mazda"></p> </div> <div id="model"> <p>CRV :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="crv"></p> <p>RAV4 :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="rav4"></p> <p>CX5 :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="cx5"></p> </div> <div id="year"> <p>2020 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2020"></p> <p>2019 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2019"></p> <p>2018 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2018"></p> </div>
Something like this?
const createURL = () => { let urlSearch = new URLSearchParams() let make = $("[name=make]:checked" ).map((_,chk) => chk.value).get() let model = $("[name=model]:checked").map((_,chk) => chk.value).get() let year = $("[name=year]:checked" ).map((_,chk) => chk.value).get() if (make.length > 0) urlSearch.set("make", make.join(",")) if (model.length > 0) urlSearch.set("model", model.join(",")) if (year.length > 0) urlSearch.set("year", year.join(",")) const srch = urlSearch.toString(); console.log(srch); // history.pushState({}, "Results for `Cars`", srch ? "?"+srch : ""); }; $(function() { $("input:checkbox").on("change", createURL) });
<script src=""></script> <div id="make"> <p>Toyota :<input type="checkbox" name="make" value="toyota"></p> <p>Honda : <input type="checkbox" name="make" value="honda"></p> <p>Mazda : <input type="checkbox" name="make" value="mazda"></p> </div> <div id="model"> <p>CRV :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="crv"></p> <p>RAV4 :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="rav4"></p> <p>CX5 :<input type="checkbox" name="model" value="cx5"></p> </div> <div id="year"> <p>2020 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2020"></p> <p>2019 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2019"></p> <p>2018 :<input type="checkbox" name="year" value="2018"></p> </div>