I want to update he array based on id with some conditions. Conditions were =
const data1 = [ { type:"foo", id:"123"}, { type:"bar", id:"124"}, ] const update1 = {type:"bar",id:"123"} const update2 = {type:"foo", id:"125"} const update3 = {type:"bar", id:"123"}
console.log(myupdate(data1, update1))
should update the data1 as bellow based on id here the type is changed to bar
data1 = [ { type:"bar", id:"123"}, { type:"bar", id:"124"}, ]
console.log(myupdate(data1, update2)
here as no item with id 125 exist so it adds a new one
data1 = [ { type:"bar", id:"123"}, { type:"bar", id:"124"}, { type:"foo", id:"125"} ]
console.log(myupdate(data1, update3))
here type is not changed so it should return the array as it is.
data1 = [{ type:"bar", id:"123"}, { type:"bar", id:"124"}, { type:"foo", id:"125"} ]
I have tried this code but it doesn’t work
const myupdate = (arr, element) => { arr.map((item)=>{ console.log(item, "ele",element) if(item.id != element.id){ arr.push(element) return } if(item.id === element.id && item.type === element.type){ return } if(item.id === element.id && item.type != element.type){ arr.filter(item => item !== element).push(element) return } }) }
You need to look through the array and find the correct item. If there is no item with the specified requirement, you’ll add a new one. Here is an example:
const data = [ { type: "foo", id: "123"}, { type: "bar", id: "124"}, ] const update = (data, value) => { console.log('Updating/Inserting', value); const existingItem = data.find(item => item.id === value.id); if (existingItem === undefined) { data.push(value); } else { existingItem.type = value.type; } } console.log('before', data); update(data, {type:"bar",id:"123"}); console.log(data); update(data, {type:"foo", id:"125"}); console.log(data); update(data, {type:"bar", id:"123"}); console.log(data);