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Unexpected number length value Javascript [closed]

Why does this if statement always log true no matter how long pin actually is?

const pin = 1

if (pin.toString().length = 4 || 6) {
//logs true

Edit: If a mod sees this, should I delete this question? I was very bad at javascript when I asked this.



Both statements in your || (or) statement will resolve to true, so the log will always be called.

pin.toString().length = 4 

resolves to true because you’re SETTING the length to 4 and then the check becomes ‘is there a length’ which is only falsy if the length === 0.

The second part of the equality is simply ‘6’. Any number that’s not 0 is truthy, so will resolve to true.

You probably mean something like this:

const pin = 1;

if (pin.toString().length === 4 || pin.toString().length === 6) {

This will never log true, because ‘1’.length === 1.
