Implement a function fetchDataForUser, which fetches data from a remote JSON api and then returns a part of it.
Since this is a network call, it will need to be an asynchronous function and return the data via a callback.
The callback should be called with two arguments:
- error: if request comes back with an err, pass it through to this callback. otherwise set this to null
- data: if there is no error, this should be the object representing the wins and losses for the given username. If there is an error, this should be set to null.
const fetchDataForUser = function (url, username, callback) { request(url, (err, res, body) => { if (err) { callback(err, null); } const data = JSON.parse(body); for (let key in data) { console.log(data[key]); if (data[key] === username){ return key } callback(null, data); }); };
It returns the correct list of data from the json file: users: { mr_robot: { wins: 5, losses: 2 }, teddy_b: { wins: 0, losses: 3 } }
But I need to retrieve specific elements when entering the username: “Mr Robot” for example
+ "losses": 2 + "wins": 5
Test driver code
fetchDataForUser(url, 'mr_robot')
You can do this without a for loop.
In my below example the line that actually matters is the userdata:
let userdata = (data["users"][username]) ? data["users"][username]: [];
Basically it looks to see if the username exists in the data, if so it returns that user’s data, if not it returns an empty array.
let data = { "users": { "mr_robot": { "wins": 5, "losses": 2 }, "teddy_b": { "wins": 0, "losses": 3 } } }; let username = "mr_robot"; let userdata = (data["users"][username]) ? data["users"][username]: []; console.log(userdata)