I have a component:
type RowItem<T> = Record<keyof T, any>; type TableRowsCells<T> = Array<RowItem<T>>; type TableHeadCells<T> = HeadCell<T>[]; type TableProps<T> = { ariaLabel: string; ariaLabelledBy: string; TableHeadCells: TableHeadCells<T>; TableRowsCells: TableRowsCells<T>; defaultOrderBy?: keyof T; }; function Table<T>(props: TableProps){ // ---------------. // code stuff. // ---------------. }
I am writing the corresponding storybook
import { Story } from '@storybook/react'; export default { title: 'Table', component: Table, }; const Template: Story<TableProps> = (args) => <Table {...args} />; export const Basic = Template.bind({}); Basic.args = {};
I get error from storybook:
The generic type 'TableProps' requires 1 type argument(s).
How can I specify? write? declare? the argument in storybook with this way?
TableProps is a generic type itself so you need to pass its generic type
for example, the code below specifies any
as TableProps
‘s generic type
const Template: Story<TableProps<any>> = (args) => <Table {...args} />;